Sunday, September 8, 2024

Near Death Experiences

 I love reading testimonies of near-death experiences. Medical science has advanced so far in recent times that many seriously ill patients are being resuscitated who would not have come back in the past.

Many of these patients had clear memories of their experiences in the afterlife, but many had none.

There are many sceptics who declare such experiences dubious or impossible on theological or scientific grounds.

Some claim that the extremely dramatic narratives must be symptoms of brain damage. 

Anyone who is clinically dead for more than a few minutes will suffer serious brain damage, but there are people who have been clinically dead for 90 minutes, 8 hours or two days and functioned normally after recovery.

After returning to life, many resuscitated patients tell how they have spoken with God or Jesus. Many tell of encounters with deceased relatives.

One reads again and again in these testimonies that the clinically dead person wants to remain in the wonderful afterlife. Sometimes the person has to make a decision and sometimes not.

Again and again we read that the clinically dead person has a God-given task on earth. This task has not yet been fulfilled and they must therefore return to this life.

After their return to earthly life, many near-death patients have had a new awareness that their life has a meaning.

They have experienced the immeasurably deep love of God in the afterlife. They know that pure love reigns at the centre of the universe. They know that they themselves are loved beyond measure.

What is the meaning of your life?

Many people don't know. Maybe you don't either.
Do you have to die and come back to find the meaning of your life?

The God who radiates love, who many have met in the afterlife, can also be found here in this life.

Have you met God yourself?

For many, the Bible is just a religious textbook, but if you read the Bible with the intention of meeting God yourself, you can find God in the Bible.

An Indian woman attended a church service. Afterwards she started reading the New Testament. She found it interesting, but she didn't understand much.

One evening after reading the Bible, she wanted to go to sleep, but then Jesus himself entered her room.

He spoke to her and she believed. She was no longer a Hindu.

Jesus died on the cross, but he came back. He is with you right now. You can talk to Him.

Seek the LORD while he may be found, call upon him while he is near;
Is 55:6 NRSV

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