Thursday, September 5, 2024

An Atheist had a Near Death Experience with Jesus

 What this atheist experienced on the other side devastated him.

He was 54 years old, an American professor on an educational trip to Europe with some students.

On the last day of his trip, he was in a hotel in London when he was attacked with terrible stomach pains.

An ambulance rushed him to the hospital, and he expected a quick emergency operation.

But then he heard his death sentence.
No surgeons were available until the following morning. For hours he suffered with panic-stricken fear.

He had been an atheist for so long.
He lived only here and now, and was content with his academic success and with his beloved wife.

He had believed in Jesus as a child but then he had become wise in his own eyes and believed only in himself.

But now he was dying and he began to question everything.

‘And what if it's not over after all, if there is a heaven and a hell, what then? Where will you go then, Simon?’

He felt that his time had come and he said goodbye to his dear wife, who was sitting next to his bed.

He closed his eyes and fainted. But that was not the end of him.

Suddenly he was fully conscious and without pain, but no longer in his body. It was simply incomprehensible to him. Despite his doubts, he thought like an atheist, and the experience of being a soul without a body completely contradicted his concept of reality.

Then it got even stranger. He found himself in a pitch-black room and was totally helpless.
He was surrounded by cruel spiritual beings. They hated him and attacked and tortured him without mercy and without ceasing.

He didn't know where he was. It was neither hell nor heaven, but it was a terrible place in the invisible world, and he was helpless.

He was still an atheist, but in his despair he began to pray.

He prayed out loud, and again and again. The demons kept backing away. They couldn't bear to hear the word ‘God’.

He had been an atheist for forty years, but here on the threshold of hell he remembered the faith of his childhood.

God never forgets if you have ever loved God and believed in Jesus.

Let us continue to pray for our children and brothers and sisters who have strayed from God. I prayed for forty years for my parents, who believed in Jesus shortly before they died.

Finally, the sadistic spirits left him and he was all alone in the darkness.

His pride was gone now. He was humiliated. He recognised his bad, selfish character, and he knew that this suffering was totally deserved.

He began to see a kind of vision of himself as a child loving Jesus and singing about the love of God.

Despite his doubts, he now wanted to believe again.

The vision disappeared, but he began to pray again.

‘Jesus, please help me, please save me, please!’ And right at that moment, after I had spoken the last word, I saw a very small, bright light.’

Suddenly he was in the direct presence of the Son of God. He was immersed in heavenly light and Jesus began to heal all his wounds.

Simon was no longer the proud professor, and he felt unworthy to be saved by Jesus in this way.

Then he wanted to stay with Jesus in the heavenly world, but Jesus had other plans for him.

He had to return to his wife and children and live as a completely new person with God's love for his neighbour.

‘Then suddenly I opened my eyes and saw a doctor massaging my heart.’

We know Simon's story because God sent him back. Simon is now a man who lives very differently than before.

If you really know Jesus, you have to become different. Jesus wants to transform my life and your life completely.

Do you want to be transformed by Jesus?

For this is the will of my Father: that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him will have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”
Jn 6:40 CSB

Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Jn 20:29 NIV

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