Sunday, September 15, 2024

God's Invisible Protection

 I prayed for encouragement and inspiration from God. Then I had an impression in my spirit.

I saw someone walking on a tightrope. I didn't see a safety net, but there was another rope. The tightrope walker was wearing a belt or harness with a strong clasp. Another rope was attached to this  clasp. Somewhere above the tightrope walker, someone held the rope securely. If he fell off the rope, he was held from above.

We have an invisible bodyguard.

I am 75 years old and live in peace and security with my dear wife. We are retired and not sick or impoverished, but troubling storms rage around us.

Two close friends have passed away. People in my close circle of friends and family are asking for prayer because of serious illness.

What can I do? I am just a vulnerable man myself, no longer young.

But I have a mighty, loving God. He answers my prayers and I often see Him intervene in amazing ways.

Some time ago, I was sawing a branch off a small tree with a handsaw. I was leaning against the branch and when it gave way, I fell head first. That was extremely dangerous.

I fell headfirst into a pile of leaves. I tucked my chin in and did a half somersault. I did it instinctively, without thinking. Thank God.

There was hard concrete under the pile of leaves. If I had been a diligent gardener, I might have fallen onto the concrete and broken my skull or injured my spine. A hardworking gardener would have cleared away the dry leaves.

My wife was alarmed. She told me not to move. But I didn't feel any pain. I got up slowly. I had a little blood on one arm, but otherwise I was unharmed.

The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
Ps 34:7 NIV

Because you have made the LORD your refuge, the Most High your dwelling place,
no evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent.

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
Ps 91:9–11 NRSV

I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
Ps 34:4 NIV

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