Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Christian Workaholics

Are you a burned out workaholic, a slave to duty?

Are you addicted to success at any price?

Are you driven to be a good Christian, trying so hard but never feeling you are good enough?

Are you exhausted by striving?

A Japanese office worker was extremely hardworking. Whatever his assignments were he had to complete them all, whatever the cost.

After working hard for over 24 hours without a break, he dropped dead.

An admirable itinerant preacher in India lived with unlimited dedication. He wanted to live just like Jesus, at any cost. He once tried to fast for 40 days and almost died.

When the Holy Spirit calls you to fast, he gives grace, but if you try to fast because of holy striving, it can cause great harm. It can lead to neurosis and eating disorders.

A young American was a totally dedicated Christian. He attended church at least four times a week. He served as a leader in the youth group. He read a few chapters of the Bible every day and prayed dutifully every morning and every evening.

His whole life revolved around his Christian discipleship, but he still felt dry and weary in his soul.

Finally, he could no longer bear this religious treadmill. He still believed in God, but he gave up. He hardly prayed for a few days. He didn't read his Bible, only the newspaper.

One morning he was sitting at breakfast reading the newspaper. Suddenly the Holy Spirit fell upon him. In the midst of his religious activities, he had neglected the most important thing. He had never learnt to simply receive and enjoy the unconditional love of God.

When Jesus was an itinerant preacher, all kinds of Jews came to him. There were sinful apostate Jews and also very diligent religious Jews. Both were stressed and spiritually tired.

Jesus recognised their stress and their inner exhaustion. He also sees your stress. His words to the Jews still speak to us today.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
Mt 11:28 NASB95

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