Friday, September 6, 2024

Near Death Experience. Revived in the Morgue

 Ian McCormack had a loving Christian mother. As a child in New Zealand, he was brought up as a Christian, but as a young man he had no desire for God. He sought pleasure and adventure in the wide world. He travelled first to Australia and then to Indonesia.

He became an avid surfer and was always looking for the best wave and a new adventure.
His life revolved around sex, drugs and rock'n'roll.

``In my own way, I was on my way to finding the ‘meaning of life’. At certain times I would have labelled myself an atheist, at others a ‘free thinker’.

I wanted to experience everything that life had to offer. My philosophy back then was to just throw myself fully into life.‘’

His mum prayed for him every day.

He found adventure in the ocean, sweet young women and fun mates everywhere. His thirst for adventure was so extreme that his life was often in danger.

It was a stormy night in Mauritius. He went fishing and dived at midnight in the Indian Ocean. He was stung five times by huge poisonous jellyfish. Once would have been a death sentence.

When he collapsed on the beach, he was staring at his death.

``The image of my mother was clear before my eyes. It was as if she was saying again the words she had spoken so long ago: ``Ian, no matter how far you have strayed from God, no matter what you have done wrong: If you cry out to God with all your heart, he will hear you and forgive you.‘’

Mortal fear gripped him. Is there perhaps a God? But who is God?

He had no money and nobody wanted to drive him to the hospital, but then he somehow found help.

``The image of my mother was clearly before my eyes. It was as if she was saying again the words she had spoken so long ago: ‘Ian, no matter how far you have strayed from God, no matter what you have done wrong: If you cry out to God with all your heart, he will hear you and forgive you.‘’

Mortal fear gripped him. Is there perhaps a God? But who is God?

``Could it be the Christian God? But if it is the God of the Christians, then I have a big problem.’ I thought: ‘If it's about Jesus ... I had cursed that name. I was ridiculing the Christians! My life was all about sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll...’‘’

``Suddenly words appeared before my eyes like an advertising neon sign: FORGIVE US OUR SINS. I asked myself: ‘Where should I start? I have committed so many sins. I don't have time to list them all now.‘’

He began to pray the words.

It was an uphill struggle to stay awake, humble himself in prayer, forgive the sins of others, and somehow reach the hospital before his death.

Finally, he reached a dirty old hospital. He was dying.

A nurse tried to give him an injection of antidote, but his circulation was no longer working. It was hopeless.

Then he died. His invisible soul was in terrible darkness. Then he reached an even more terrible place, on the threshold of hell.

Then he cried out in despair.

``Now I wept and cried out to God: ‘Why am I here? I asked you for forgiveness! Why am I here? I have turned my heart to you. Why am I here?’ Then a dazzling light shone down on me and literally pulled me out of the darkness.‘’

Ian was pulled out of hell and found himself in the glorious, loving presence of Jesus himself.

He had prayed for forgiveness and God forgave him.

Ian McCormack was dead. A doctor prepared his body to be transferred to the morgue. 

Then Ian returned to his body. Without a miracle cure, Ian would never have returned to normal, but now Ian is a healthy man with a wife and children.

McCormack, Ian. I was dead: a glimpse into the afterlife - a true story (Living with Hope) (German Edition) . Agency PJI UG. Kindle Edition.

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