Thursday, September 19, 2024

When you Need a Miracle ...

 A well-known evangelist was once praying. Then a dramatic thought occurred to him. God told him to tell his listeners: ‘Expect a miracle every day!’

Some will object that this is sensationalism or showmanship.  
But we don't need a miracle until we need a miracle.

We keep hearing about dramatic miracles in the Third World.

C Peter Wagner was a lecturer in a conservative Bible school. He heard these dramatic testimonies in South America. Instead of dismissing these reports as exaggerated fairy tales, he visited the revivals in Brazil and Argentina himself.

He saw many poor people suffering from terrible toothache because they had no money for a dentist. They attended meetings where they expected miraculous healings, and they were not disappointed. They came with rotten teeth and went home with gold fillings.

You don't need a miracle until you need a miracle.

In Europe and North America, many people think that we don't need such miracles anymore because we have modern medical care.

I am very grateful for good dentists and eye specialists. Modern medicine can help cancer patients and very often prolong their lives. But in the Bible, Jesus healed everyone who sought healing from him, everyone.

No modern doctor can do that. So many suffer with chronic pain and disabilities.

Many Christians claim that the miracles in the Bible only applied to that time. They quote a few proof texts and try to explain away the many promises of God.

But if you need a miracle, you need a miracle. Jesus healed because he was moved by deep compassion. Has God's heart grown cold?

But all Bible-believing Christians agree that God hears our prayers. When God answers your prayer, He supernaturally intervenes in the natural order of the world. That is a miracle.

We once visited a woman in a clinic in Germany. As we left the clinic, it started to rain. It was cold and the streets were empty. We needed a taxi, but our friend who was familiar with that part of town told us we would be waiting a long time for a taxi. My wife prayed and a taxi appeared almost immediately.

A friend told us his wife was dying. His heart was broken. The doctors were no longer trying to save her life and was just waiting for her to die. My wife and I prayed and the woman recovered and returned home.

This woman was over 70 years old and had all sorts of serious health problems. She had to be hospitalised again and again. Two years later, she was dying again. The doctors could no longer help. We prayed again and, against all expectations, she returned home.

When the time of miracles is past, God no longer answers prayers, because every answer to prayer is a miracle.

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
Jn 15:7 NIV 

This statement is not a theological theory, but a promise from Jesus himself.

Many want to water down or question such promises, but please don't let this mislead you

You don't need a miracle until you need a miracle.

You can rely on Jesus. He loves you.

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