Saturday, August 24, 2024

What are your Priorities

 What is important in your life?

There are people who do not pause to consider their priorities.

A well-known management expert taught that a company must have clear priorities. If you have ten priorities, you have no priorities.

Many organisations have many rules, but no clear priorities.

But what's it to you? You are an employee and you simply have to adapt.

But you also have your own life. What are your goals in life? What are your priorities?

All the main characters in the Bible had clear goals.

  • Noah was to build a ship to save his family and all kinds of animals from the Flood.

  • Moses was to save the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt, and he led them to the Promised Land.

  • Deborah was to lead the Hebrews in a war.

  • After the death of her husband, Ruth determined to provide for her mother-in-law.

  • God gave Nehemiah the task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.

  • Paul was given the task of missionary work among the Gentiles in the Roman Empire and to plant new churches everywhere.

    What is important in your life? Maybe you have clear goals and priorities, but maybe not.

    Many people have a vague idea that they should be good Christians. But otherwise they don't have clear priorities.

    What is a ‘good Christian’? If your ideas of the Christian life only come from Bible teachings from your church or your family, you will always be torn by other people's expectations.

    Again and again we read in the Bible how an apparently ordinary person had an encounter with God and received a calling for their life.

    Do you perhaps feel frustrated because you have no clear direction in your life? God loves all his children with all his heart. Jesus is the great King of kings. If you are a son or daughter of a great king, should you remain an insignificant nobody? God forbid!

    God has important tasks for you. If you are always busy fulfilling all the wishes of your family or your church or your boss, you will not be able to hear God's guidance.

    If you do not yet know Jesus as your Saviour and guide, you will either be enslaved by your own drives and desires, or you will be enslaved by other people.

    There are selfish, self-centred people who deal with all kinds of addictions, porn, alcoholism, drug addiction etc.

    On the other hand, there are virtuous people of duty who are enslaved by the desires of other people.

    Jesus wants to set you free, but not so that you can always satisfy your own desires.

    Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 1 Co 9:24 NIV

    But the Christian life is not a competition. Paul does not mean that only a hero of faith should win God's prize.

    Every Christian has a unique calling from God, a very special mission in life. If your life is based only on religious duty, you will never find out what God's purpose is for your life.

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