Saturday, August 31, 2024

She Became Invisible

  Jesus preached a short message in the synagogue where He had grown up. The people only saw him as a normal man, but he demanded the respect due to a prophet.

And He said, “Truly I say to you, no prophet is welcome in his hometown. Lk 4:24 NASB95

When Jesus continued to challenge them, they were furious.

They got up, drove him out of the town, and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built, in order to throw him off the cliff.

But he walked right through the crowd and went on his way.
Lk 4:29–30 NIV

It happens today too. A man in America was a drug dealer who practised witchcraft.  He was dying of drug addiction but Christians had prayed for his salvation.

Real Christians love their enemies.

A Christian helped him in his extreme need and he was converted.
After a miraculous deliverance and healing process, he became a radical preacher for Jesus.

One day he was talking to a young man on a university campus. The man was deep in darkness, just as the converted missionary had been. He became angry and wanted to knock the preacher out. But he simply couldn't. An angel held his arm.

A young English woman had been a teenage party girl until she saw her christian father die and the glory of God on him as he passed. She was instantly converted,

When she was not yet 30 years old, the young Englishwoman moved to Thailand and served alone as a missionary on a tourist island where there were no missions and no churches. She was a courageous and loving young woman who knew Jesus well and loved people.

She quickly made all kinds of friends and people were converted.

Some Muslims on the island became angry.

When Muslims convert to Jesus, this is the worst mortal sin for the extremely pious Muslims, the unthinkable betrayal, the ultimate catastrophe.

These pious Muslims were determined to kill the young missionary.

They were lying in wait for her. She was hunted down like a wild animal, but each time, amazingly, she simply managed to escape.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit warned her to leave immediately. Sometimes she was told supernaturally that she should not go home or that she had to leave her house immediately.

She was finally ambushed and surrounded and there was no way out.

For nothing will be impossible with God.”
Lk 1:37 NRSV

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