Sunday, August 25, 2024

Lazarus Came Back

 Yegor was a young Russian communist sent to America on a secret mission. He was enchanted by freedom in the USA and wanted to defect, but he was so naive that he made his intention known.

That was his death sentence. He was poisoned by a KGB agent. A few hours later, his body was in a refrigerator in a hospital, but his mind was wide awake. He was astonished. He was dead, but he was still conscious. As a communist, he didn't believe in an afterlife.

For two days he was freed from his body and was able to reconsider the reality of his life, but then things got really serious. He was enveloped in deep loneliness and darkness. He knew he was on his way to hell.

‘Jesus Christ, if you really exist, then please, please take me away from here. Forgive me for all my sins, forgive me for never believing in you, but please, please take me away from here!’

“I put my last spark of hope into this prayer, and at the exact moment I uttered the last word, the miracle happened: I saw a small, bright light in the pitch-black darkness.”

Toscani, Gabriel. And then there was light: 35 people, all of whom were clinically dead, told me what they had seen and experienced ‘on the other side’. Some were in paradise, others in hell. (German Edition) . Kindle Edition.

Jesus revealed himself as a radiant light but also as a loving presence. Yegor had never experienced such love.

After two days they took me out of the fridge and after another twelve hours they wanted to start the autopsy. Just as the doctor was about to put the scalpel to work and make an incision in my chest, I opened my eyes.

Toscani, Gabriel. And then there was light: (German Edition) . Kindle Edition.

He had to stay in hospital for another nine months. Without the intensive care and God's healing power, he would not have survived.

Only later did he fully understand that it was actually Jesus who had answered his prayer.

It is exactly as it says in the Bible: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Jn 14:6 NIV

“I am convinced from the bottom of my heart that what it says is true.”

Toscani, Gabriel. And then there was light: (Und dann war Licht) German Edition) . Kindle Edition.

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