Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Last Minute Mercy for the Dying

 I know a faithful Christian woman who loved her nephew dearly, and she prayed for the rebellious teenager.

One day the woman was sick in bed and dreamt of a terrible dark cave. This was death itself.

In her dream, she heard a voice telling her that someone in her family was in mortal danger and she had to pray fervently. She prayed until she felt relieved.

It was only later that day that she heard how her beloved nephew had died in a car accident.

God answers prayers.

So many young and old people meet the Saviour in the last moment of their lives, meet God's Son who died on the cross for them and never wants to give up his saving mission for everyone.

Never give up. God is at work.

You may not be a hero of faith, but God can call others to stand by your loved ones with strong faith.

Do not give up. Your prayers are not in vain, either.

A friend of mine was a nurse. She told me about an old lady in the ward where she worked. This old lady was about 90 years old and had been at death's door for months.

She was also very lonely because she didn't speak any English. But she spoke good German.

I went to the chaplain and got permission to visit the old lady. I sat next to her bed and read German Bible texts to her. She listened attentively, and God helped me to make the way of faith clear.

During my last visit, she stared around her room. I thought she had dementia, but maybe she was seeing angels.

I read the following words:

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live,
and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
Jn 11:25–26 NRSV

I asked: ‘Do you believe this?’
She answered with an amazingly firm voice.
‘Yes, I believe!’

I didn't see her again, but I was at the funeral. Everyone was crying. They were not sure that the old woman was in heaven.

Who have you lost?
Maybe all is not lost. What can you do?
God hears even your weak prayers.

If you can't do anything yourself, God will answer your prayers.

‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’
Jer 33:3 NASB95

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