Sunday, October 6, 2024

Freedom from False Guilt

 A girl is sexually seduced as a small child by her father, stepfather or family friend. As a toddler, she is sexually aroused and at first understands nothing about sin.

Her family is Christian, and the man convinces her that this sweet experience is real love.
Only later does she learn that this is taboo and forbidden.

As a teenager in the church, she learns about sexual sin. She is no longer sexually active with the man in the family, but she has strong sexual urges and satisfies herself.

Then the church tells her that masturbation is a sin because it is supposedly unclean.
She feels overwhelmed by shame and guilt because she feels responsible for her forbidden sexual experience with the man she loved.

She then tries to suppress her sexual urges. When her desire becomes almost irresistible, she satisfies herself and then thinks she is a dirty, condemned sinner, and she is terrified of ending up in hell.

Is this girl or young woman really guilty in God's eyes, or is it about false guilt, guilt in her own eyes or in the eyes of the ministers in the church?

Where do I find a teaching in the Bible that little children are responsible for such sin? I do not find it.

Where do I find a teaching in the Bible that masturbation is wrong in all circumstances? The subject is not mentioned in any biblical text.

Why should I discuss such a controversial topic? I want to save lives. There are victims in such situations who become prostitutes or commit suicide.

The victims of such abuse are not only girls but also boys.

If guilt has been imposed on you with teachings that are not in the Bible, you no longer need to bear that guilt.

When Jesus hung stark naked on the cross, he bore your guilt but also your shame. He not only bore the guilt for your own sins, but also the guilt of the people who abused you and the guilt of the people who put false guilt on you.

If this post is relevant to you personally, please don't let false guilt ruin you anymore.

Masturbation is unfortunately often entangled with porn addiction and dirty fantasies, but maybe often not. Please don't misunderstand me. I am not advocating porn or pornographic thoughts.

Some find masturbation to be a kind of safety valve that can also help resist strong temptation.

Hold fast to God's word. Ask Jesus for help. He totally understands you, just as you are.

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Rom 5:1 NIV

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,
Rom 8:1 NIV

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