Wednesday, October 2, 2024

God of Impossible Miracles

 Are you at the end of your tether? Is your situation impossible?

When I was 20, I was a student on holiday in Europe. Shortly before my flight back to Australia, I was alone in Rome. Everything was an adventure. I went for a walk and revisited this fascinating old world.

It was afternoon and I reached into my bag. Empty!

Where was my passport? Where was my flight ticket? Where was my vaccination certificate?

I was known to the Australian embassy. I made a phone call. They might be able to help with the passport, but the ticket and the vaccination certificate were problems.

I had to get home somehow, but how and when?

I thought about what I had done so far. I desperately walked back the same way. I visited a café and a shop, and finally I came to a currency exchange office and went to the same cashier who had served me in the morning.

‘Can you help me please? I've lost my passport today.’

She gave me everything back, passport, ticket and vaccination certificate.

God sustains and provides for us, even when we are totally stupid.

But even in much worse situations, God can do the impossible.

I know a woman who was snatched from certain death.

A large car came hurtling from her right side and she faced certain death, but instead of being crushed along with her car, the woman felt a terrible heat and drove on unharmed.

The other car did not crash against her, but drove through her, like in a fantasy film.  

‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ Jer 33:3 NKJV

For with God nothing will be impossible.”
Lk 1:37 NKJV

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