Sunday, November 17, 2024

Theology without Love is Nothing

 The fact is, many of us have become too theologically wise to love our enemies, care for the poor, stand up for the disadvantaged and alongside the sick, and help people pick up the pieces of their broken lives.
We perfect the creeds and reject the needs. Beth Moore.

It's good to understand God better, but if our knowledge of God is mostly theoretical, we can only be religious without following Jesus.

When did Jesus send his disciples out to heal the sick? After they had completed their theological training? Not at all.

For Jesus, compassion and practical faith were more important than flawless theology.

God has raised up many heroes of faith in church history, men and women who have passed on God's saving grace in many countries. But were they all theologically flawless?

Martin Luther, John Wesley and Dietrich Bonhoeffer baptised babies. The Baptists only baptise believers.
Luther, John Knox and Charles Spurgeon believed that salvation can never be reversed.

John Wesley believed that a truly converted Christian still has the free choice to turn away from God and end up in hell.

God used disciples with different beliefs, They could not all be right, but God used them anyway.

Unfortunately, there are so many Christians who strive intensely to understand everything and always be right that they become arrogant and ineffectual religious experts.

When you learn about God, you must put this new insight into practice in order to pray better and help other people better. Otherwise you will remain stuck in a dead religion.

Jesus criticised the scribes because they were full of biblical knowledge but would not acknowledge Jesus.

You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me,
yet you refuse to come to me to have life.
Jn 5:39–40 NIV

But what is that to us? We believe in Jesus, don't we?

But our faith is useless if we think it's enough to think right and preach right.

Jesus didn't say learn to think without error. He said: ‘Follow me!’

What are you doing to help suffering people? Do you look at prostitutes, drug addicts or homosexuals with a critical attitude or with deep compassion?

Do you love Christians of other denominations as your brothers and sisters? Do you really love them?

We are saved by faith in action, not by theology.

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