Some years ago I went to church twice every Sunday, but I felt guilty. I went to church three times a week, but I only visited my elderly father once a month.
For many Christians, holidays and meetings have become a tiring occupation. You can keep the Sabbath strictly, but never relax.
For some Christians, relaxation is a sin. They must always make an effort to do something good and necessary, always make an effort. Doing nothing would be idleness. Sleeping late means being lazy.
But if you are overwhelmed, traumatised, even exhausted, you need real time out.
Otherwise, you could end up in hospital. For some, that seems like a great shame, but this shame is not helpful.
If you need help and rest, you need help and rest.
But shouldn't we only expect God to help us?
Sure, but if our wrong Christian attitude has only continually involved us in duty and effort, and if we find little support or understanding in the church, then God provides us with other resources.
There are Christians who are misguided by non-believing therapists, but there are also Christians who find more understanding and help in psychiatry than in the church.
Thank God for good churches, good counsellors and for miraculous healings!
But I also thank God for good clinics, good doctors and good treatment.
To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: Ec 3:1 NKJV
Work, prayer, study, practical charity: there is a right time for everything, but there is also a time when doing nothing and thinking are vital.
I find rest in God; only he can save me. Ps 62:1 NCV