Monday, January 4, 2021

Feminism, from God or the World?

Many conservative Christians believe that feminism is anti-Christian and has its origins in radical secular social reform movements.

Radical feminists around the world aggressively advocate abortion and gay marriage.

But who were the actual pioneers of the movement that campaigned for equal rights for women?

John Wesley established Adult Bible classes over 250 years ago. Many groups were led by women.

The first college in North America where men and women studied together was founded by the famous revivalist Charles Finney. In Finney's college, men and women, blacks and whites studied in the same classes.

In North America, Charles Finney and DL Moody trained women preachers. In England, William Booth promoted women preachers and women in leadership.

A. B. Simpson, founder of the Christian Missionary Alliance (CMA), included women in all levels of his leadership.

In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, many Christian missionaries went to China. There were twice as many women as men.

The women were only allowed to minister to women. So Chinese Christian women became the majority. 

Now, despite communist persecution, there are more than 50 thousand house churches. More than 75% of the pastors and leaders are women.

Women's equality does not come from the world, but from God.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28 NIV84

What does "no difference" mean? Of course mothers are women and fathers are men.

But women and men should have equal authority, in marriage, in the family, in the church, in politics, in society, in the office, in Christian leadership and all areas of spiritual service.

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