Tuesday, July 2, 2024

God and Political Confusion

 The violent conflicts in Africa and the Middle East are terrible, but not new. The political conflict in North America, Britain and Europe is another matter.

National unity and mutual tolerance is fading fast. Conservatives hate progressives, and progressives hate conservatives. Christian churches are being torn apart by internal ideological conflicts which reflect the wider society.

Many British Christians passionately supported Brexit, while other Christians were horrified and wanted to stay in the EU.

When an American preacher preached on the Sermon on the Mount, many aggressively conservative members objected that these pacifist teachings were too weak and unworkable.

Many American conservatives want to support any leader who supports their beliefs, regardless of how authoritarian, dishonest or immoral he might be.

On the other hand, some progressive politicians are allowing live birth abortions and promoting extreme post Christian policies on gender issues.

Christians used to support strong American military defence against potential Russian aggression. Now many conservative Christians are supporting Putin because he goes to church and persecutes homosexuals. They forget that Hitler also persecuted homosexuals and enlisted the support of churches.

There are Christians who support minimum wage laws, legal protection for trade unions, government help for sick, disabled and disadvantaged people, social justice for racial minorities, and equal rights for women, but they also oppose unlimited abortion and post Christian gender ideology. Who can they vote for?

As I lay in bed early this morning, a bible text came to me.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.
Ps 46:1–4 NIV

Everything is shaking. There is an epidemic of homelessness in rich countries because of unjust laws governing tax, real estate investment, low wages and inadequate welfare benefits.

God is our refuge. God is still God. God is not asleep in these confused times.

God is not a left wing progressive and not a right wing capitalist. God is God, and He is good.

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