Saturday, March 23, 2013


If you believe in Jesus and you have committed your life to the loving hands of Father God, you have begun a new life. You are a follower of Jesus Christ. You HAVE eternal life.

John 3:16 (ESV)  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 

Eternal life is yours now. 

1 John 5:12 (NKJV)  He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 

Jesus is the eternal son of God and your life belongs to him. He is with you from now until forever. 
  • As long as you are with him, he will be with you.

Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)   Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

  • God wants to meet all your needs and bless you with health, healing and even financial provision but he makes this one condition.
Matthew 6:33 (NIV)   But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 

Your first priority is to love Jesus, the King of Heaven and Earth, to promote His Eternal Kingdom and win men, women and children to put their trust in Him. 

If you dedicate your life to Him, He will never let you down. He cares for you and everything about you. 

  • Your needs are his needs. 
  • Your hunger is his hunger. 
  • Your heartache is his heartache. 
  • Your happiness is his happiness.

If you have put your trust in Jesus, you are IN CHRIST, a part of His Body. 

He died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sin, your rejection of His Father God, your attempt to live as if your loving creator did not exist, the messes you made as a result.

But Jesus did not stay dead. He rose again from the dead. He was seen by his disciples alive and he ate and drank with them. He was not a heavenly vision but his body returned to life. 

After spending forty days with his disciples, he returned to Heaven and now rules the universe with infinite wisdom and power.

Jesus in now in heaven but His Spirit is alive and well on the earth. His Spirit now lives in all who love him on earth. 

John 14:15-17 (NKJV) "If you love Me, keep My commandments.
  • And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-- 
  • the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 

If you are a follower of Jesus, he has no hands on earth but your hands. Will you reach out with your hands to help others? 

  • Jesus reached out His hand and touched sick people, and they were healed.

Mark 16:17-18 (NIV) And these signs will accompany those who believe: ....they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

  • He has no smile on earth but your smile. Will you let others see the love of Jesus in your smile?
  • He has no feet on earth but your feet. Will you let Jesus send you to the people he wants to reach with his love?

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