Are you in an impossible jam? Is there no way out?
Many years ago I was a 20-year-old student travelling alone in Europe.
Shortly before my flight back to Australia, I was enjoying a walk about Rome. It was mid-afternoon when I put my hand in my jacket pocket.
No passport! No plane ticket! My flight was the next day!
I must not panic. I retraced my steps.
I enquired here and there, in a shop, at a kiosk. Then I went back to the cashier where I had changed some money that morning.
The cashier immediately gave me my passport, my plane ticket and my vaccination certificate.
God watches over us, even when we are completely stupid. I was not even a Christian yet but if you are a believer, God knew you before you were born.
But there are much more serious problems when we need God to do the impossible.
I know a woman who was saved from certain death in her car.
There was no way to avoid a fatal collision but instead of crashing into her, the other car passed right through her like a scene in a science fiction movie.
All the woman experienced was a searing heat but no impact.
Perhaps you are reading this and grieving. It is no comfort to read of miraculous rescues when your loved one has died. It is too late for miracles.
Be assured there is another world. Heaven is real.
I know a faithful Christian woman who prayed for her family. She had a favourite nephew who was a rebellious teenager.
One day this believing woman was sick in bed. She had a very dark dream about a gloomy cave. She saw and felt the shadow of death. In her dream she heard a voice which urged her to pray because someone in her family was in danger of death.
She cried out to God and prayed until she felt at peace again. Later that day she heard that her much loved nephew had died in a freak car accident.
God hears our prayers.
So many young and old people experience supernatural encounters with God in the last moments of their life on earth. Many meet Jesus, the Son of God who died for them on the cross.
Jesus hears the heart cry of lost ones as they die. Many turn to Him at the last.
You must never give up. Love believes all things, never stops hoping. God is at work.
It may be that your faith has been weak. Your prayers have been hindered by doubt. When we pray weak prayers from a sincere heart, God can whisper to a strong believer to pray for your loved ones. He does these things.
I once knew a nurse who told me of a very old woman who was dying in hospital. She was very lonely because she couldn’t speak English, but she knew German. Since I am fluent in German, I asked permission to visit her and I was allowed to read to her from the German bible.
I read her bible passages about heaven, about faith in Jesus, about the free gift of forgiveness of sin and eternal life.
I was allowed to see her a few times, and she always listened intently.
The last time I visited, she seemed to be seeing things that I could not see. I thought she was just demented but perhaps she saw angels.
Then I read the words of Jesus.
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;
and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" John 11:25-26
“Do you believe this?” I repeated.
“Yes, I do believe!” she answered with a firm clear voice.
My next visit was to her burial. People were weeping. They didn’t know she was in heaven but I knew.
If your situation seems hopeless, it may not be the end.
‘Call on me in prayer and I will answer you. I will show you great and mysterious things which you still do not know about.’ Jer 33:3 (NET1)
Many years ago I was a 20-year-old student travelling alone in Europe.
Shortly before my flight back to Australia, I was enjoying a walk about Rome. It was mid-afternoon when I put my hand in my jacket pocket.
No passport! No plane ticket! My flight was the next day!
I must not panic. I retraced my steps.
I enquired here and there, in a shop, at a kiosk. Then I went back to the cashier where I had changed some money that morning.
The cashier immediately gave me my passport, my plane ticket and my vaccination certificate.
God watches over us, even when we are completely stupid. I was not even a Christian yet but if you are a believer, God knew you before you were born.
But there are much more serious problems when we need God to do the impossible.
I know a woman who was saved from certain death in her car.
There was no way to avoid a fatal collision but instead of crashing into her, the other car passed right through her like a scene in a science fiction movie.
All the woman experienced was a searing heat but no impact.
Perhaps you are reading this and grieving. It is no comfort to read of miraculous rescues when your loved one has died. It is too late for miracles.
Be assured there is another world. Heaven is real.
I know a faithful Christian woman who prayed for her family. She had a favourite nephew who was a rebellious teenager.
One day this believing woman was sick in bed. She had a very dark dream about a gloomy cave. She saw and felt the shadow of death. In her dream she heard a voice which urged her to pray because someone in her family was in danger of death.
She cried out to God and prayed until she felt at peace again. Later that day she heard that her much loved nephew had died in a freak car accident.
God hears our prayers.
So many young and old people experience supernatural encounters with God in the last moments of their life on earth. Many meet Jesus, the Son of God who died for them on the cross.
Jesus hears the heart cry of lost ones as they die. Many turn to Him at the last.
You must never give up. Love believes all things, never stops hoping. God is at work.
It may be that your faith has been weak. Your prayers have been hindered by doubt. When we pray weak prayers from a sincere heart, God can whisper to a strong believer to pray for your loved ones. He does these things.
I once knew a nurse who told me of a very old woman who was dying in hospital. She was very lonely because she couldn’t speak English, but she knew German. Since I am fluent in German, I asked permission to visit her and I was allowed to read to her from the German bible.
I read her bible passages about heaven, about faith in Jesus, about the free gift of forgiveness of sin and eternal life.
I was allowed to see her a few times, and she always listened intently.
The last time I visited, she seemed to be seeing things that I could not see. I thought she was just demented but perhaps she saw angels.
Then I read the words of Jesus.
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;
and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" John 11:25-26
“Do you believe this?” I repeated.
“Yes, I do believe!” she answered with a firm clear voice.
My next visit was to her burial. People were weeping. They didn’t know she was in heaven but I knew.
If your situation seems hopeless, it may not be the end.
‘Call on me in prayer and I will answer you. I will show you great and mysterious things which you still do not know about.’ Jer 33:3 (NET1)